Monday, December 13, 2010

The "duest"

In my prenatal yoga class, the instructors never say anything about who is the biggest or the person who looks the most likely to "pop" (all clever sayings people love to say to pregnant people that really are kinda awful). Instead, in their hippie like ways, they say "who is the duest?" Being the "duest" is a great honor because you get to choose some of the poses. Well, my day has come. At least once a week, I am usually "in the front of the line" as R likes to say. When the instructor says "Who is the duest?" it is often either me or one other woman due two days before me. She can only make class on Saturdays, so tomorrow evening, it is very likely I will be "the duest" and will definitely be choosing some side triangle and half moon.

1 comment:

  1. Yayyyyyyyy! I'm so excited about Baby Hartley's arrival ... and I'm just DYING to know if it's a boy or a girl!!! Also, I cannot believe you blogged! It's been 80 years.
